2018年4月30日 星期一
2018年4月23日 星期一
H7 04/21/18
A. The assignments for this week - write the following two essays and email them back to me by 4/27. Both essays should have 250 words and finish both in 30 minutes.
1. Narration Story - Topic 19 Science and Technology
2 Email Response - Topic 20 Human and Nature
Next week ; 2nd Simulation Test
1. Get to class on time (4/28 - 9:30 am)
2. You may bring your own laptop for writing narration story and email response
I am attaching an AP Chinese Exam instruction. Please review it by May 5th.
Let me know with any questions.
B. The assignment for this week- complete Topic one to Topic five quizlet vocabulary matching
2018年4月16日 星期一
H7 4/14/18
Study Topic Ten Transportation vocabulary (page 376) and conversation (page 394)
Please using the MP3 CD to study and practice this topic
You will have quiz of topic ten
Please using the MP3 CD to study and practice this topic
You will have quiz of topic ten
2018年4月7日 星期六
H7 4/7 2018
Study topic nine: housing (page 374) for vocabulary quiz
Writing and Culture Presentation
This week's homework due by 7/14- Topic Art
Vocabulary : Page 382
Story Narration : Page 313
Email Response : Page 315
Today's lesson:
1. 老外教你十分鐘看懂中國文化
2. 老外電影院:10部經典中國歷史電影
3. 几分钟看懂电影《山楂树之恋》,一部最干净的爱情电影, 我们都曾拥有过!
4. 五分钟看完张艺谋的电影《归来/陆犯焉识》
5. Yo-Yo Ma, 姚明篮球....
Next Week : Geography & Climate
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